Monday, November 20, 2006

Nancy Pelosi Is Dirty.

I would just like to point out that in this corny photo I've had up for almost a week, it looks like Nancy's boobies are blotched out for TV viewers cause she's wearing a see-through pant suit.

Carry on.

Google's Innovative Mediocrity

Have you noticed that everything Google puts out seems great at first but actually ends up sucking? I can't count how many times when I've been talking on "gchat" when service suddenly cuts off. It often goes down like this:

ME: Man, last night sure was great.

GIRLFRIEND: Yeah, we had a lot of fun.

ME: Your friend Sarah is really funny.

ME: You there?

ME: Hey, I didn't mean anything by it.

ME: I mean, she's cute and all, but it's not like I want to, you know.

ME: Don't get mad.

ME: Where are you?

ME: You there?

ME: I was just kidding around.

ME: I would, if you wanted to though.

ME: We'd have to talk about it first. I mean, I'd have to wear condoms, right? Yeah, of course.

ME: She's clean right?

ME: Can I not wear one?

ME: It's not like anybody actually gets AIDS these days. It's not like we're in AFRICA.

GIRLFRIEND: Totally. It was a lot of fun.

It often takes several days for these conversations to get sorted out. Instant messaging within your email sounds great until it doesn't work. Have you ever tried Google Maps? Sure, you can scroll across maps with your mouse but you can't plot in multiple locations. Gmail often fails to send out the actual messages you release for delivery. Now Blogger itself has finally succumbed to Google's innovative suckiness. Already, I can't upload images in Mozilla. How can something seven years old have a beta? How can a beta suck this much.

I'm selling my 300 dollars of Google stock. Right after it hits 500.