Tracking Crime in DC

My next-door neighbor Tom has started a fantastic project called CrimeInDC. It seems he felt motivated to take action after witnessing a running gun battle up Euclid Street. From his website:
"It's the summer of 2006, it's heating up, and crime is starting to have an upswing in the District. Chief Ramsey has called it a 'crime emergency'. Crime is the topic du jour on the nightly news and in the paper and people are tired of it. I'm sick of the muggings, car break-ins, drunken fights, and shootings throughout the city.The next step in my mind is tracking which crimes get solved and which crimes sink into oblivion.I can't exactly go out and stop any of this crime myself, but where I can help is in putting this site together to make people aware of what's going on around them in their neighborhoods. If you know what crimes have happened in the past, you're probably less likely to be a victim of future crime. Through the power of the Internet, I can make all this information available to anyone that wants it free of charge."
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