Friday, August 04, 2006

Sometimes Democracy Makes you Feel Ill

There isn't much to be happy about these days. You can't swim in the beaches anymore because of bacteria. People continue to shoot, stab and explode other people in places like Lebanon, Israel, Iraq and DC. The NLRB is poised to strip millions of Americans of their union rights. Bush still lives down the street.

But every once in a while good overcomes evil. Most times though, good blends with evil and makes you feel queasy. The US Senate is a case in point. Recently, Democrats have been calling for an increase in the
minimum wage (and by recently I mean for the the past ten years). They figure it's impossible to live on five-dollars and fifteen cents an hour unless you live in a cardboard box and eat dish soap. And they're right.

Republicans, for their part, want to get rid of the
estate tax. They believe another tax-cut for the mega-rich would really help balance the budget. Plus, hard working debutantes billionaires Americans like Alice Walton could really use a break. I mean, she's got priceless artwork to buy!

Unfortunately for them, Republicans haven't had much luck repealing the estate tax. People just don't seem sympathetic to the eight people this law effects. Just when hope seemed lost, the brainiacs in the GOP had a "brain-storm". Why not tack on a choice amendment to the already-pending minimum-wage bill?

That's "crossing-the-aisle" at it's best! Lieberman would be proud!

And so they did. Suddenly the Minimum Wage Bill became the Minimum Wage and Idle-Rich Giveaway Bill. This put Democrats and other interested parties in the not-uncommon position of having to object to a bill they created.

Thankfully(?) Senate Democrats succeeded in blocking this Republican tour de force. It's a real cause for celebration. I'm sure you feel better, right? I do.

I also feel little throwing up. You know why? Because DEMOCRACY WORKS!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember the day you traded in your anarcho gear for an OPEIU button. I commented on what a reformist you had become.

Now I see you cheering on Senate Democrats.

Good lord. Why don't you just become a Kossack? Have you signed up for the Mark Warner campaign yet? When was the last time you even talked to Crazy Anarchist Biker Guy? For shame Logan, for shame... Next time I see you at the Common Share, I'm totally ignoring you.

1:06 PM  
Blogger Mr. Bottled said...

This is what happens when you live under the tyranny of Bush Jr! Your vision becomes warped. Suddenly, any old white guy wearing a grey suit and blue tie looks better than ANY old white guy wearing a black suit with a red tie.

And screw teh common share.

2:33 PM  

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