Why The Green Party Will NEVER Win

They want to rebuild DC schools.
They want to reopen DC General.
They want to eliminate DC's regressive tax system.
Sounds awesome. Then you get to the fine print:

Can you find Waldo? No? Here, I'll show you:

Nothing speaks to the people of DC better than that! Seriously, walk up to the average guy hanging out on Georgia Ave and say, "Hey man, wanna expand political discourse to more voices from the PLEBISCITE!" He be all like, "Yeah man! Who you wit? State Hood Green?" It's all about the street cred. This election is YOURS, Statehood Greens.
Fire your communications staff Mr. Otten. Do it quickly, while there's still time. I seriously wish you the best, but get rid of the burned out hippy who likes to quote Foucault and hasn't left his tiny corner of Northwest in 35 years and get yourself someone who's in touch with reality.
Unless you wrote that pamphlet yourself, in which case, you've got bigger problems to worry about.
That's hilarious -- they are wonks.
Dear Mr. Otten,
Perhaps you should consider a Derridean deconstruction of the textual elements of the DC school system. This could really help you secure votes in Ward 8.
why do they do this to themselves?!
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