Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Comedy Central So Stupid

Comedy Central lawyers have "requested" YouTube remove clips of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. I can't think of a more idiotic reaction to glorious, free advertising. It's not like they're going to release comprehensive box sets for these shows. It's hard to market DVD collections of 100 discs or more.

Maybe they want potential viewers to surf over to their clunky, retarded, overbearing, obnoxious, firefox-crashing website for any & all clip viewing.

I challenge you to try and watch a clip on that site. Your computer will literally vomit all over your desk. It's like a acid suppository for your desktop.

One day these executives and lawyers will wake up to reality. They can't control everything. They can make money by embracing the internets. This is the age of Aquarius.

Live a little!


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