Elderly Pervert Hungry For Ass, Votes

The current Comptroller of Maryland shocked local residents last February at a public meeting when staffer Elizabeth Krum brought him a drink. Schaefer leered at Krum as she walked away, then asked for her to return. He then told her to walk away again and took another long deep stare at the obviously uncomfortable staffer.
The "antics" haven't ceased. During an interview with Washington Post columnist Marc Fischer, Schaefer described political opponent Janet S. Owens as a "prissy little miss" who wears "long dresses, looks like Mother Hubbard -- it's sort of like she was a man."
He made similar comments to NewsChannel 8. "She's got these long clothes on and an old-fashioned hairdo," the liverspotted politician said. "You know it sort of makes you real mad."
What exactly makes the Comptroller angry? The fact that he can't fantasize about his 62 year-old opponent, or that he has to run against a woman in the first place? Maybe he would rather run against a conga line of tit-shaking barely legal coeds?
Someone should call the Maryland GOP, quick. They'll be all about that.
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